Letter from the Founder:
As a parent there is no greater gift in the world than the renewed sense of discovery and wonder given to us by our children.
From the moment we first meet them, the world is changed and we begin to look toward a positive future and desire to
create a place where they can maintain the innocence of childhood for as long as possible. We find that there are so
many distractions that encourage children to engage in an adult world, rather than protecting the important development
of their imaginations and their fundamental need to play. We want to create a space for them where they can simply bloom,
in their own time and in their own natural way. This overwhelming sense of protection and love has fueled a passion to
design a company with these same core values.
It became important to me to create something meaningful that encouraged the whimsical nature of children and honored them
by putting first their comfort, safety and interests. To try to help create this space for them in some small way, and
reach out to other families who wish the same for their children. Having children made me feel as though the desire to
protect this time in their lives, when anything is possible and the imaginary world feels real, was a desire that could
be shared between families of all backgrounds, locations or ideals. It was something that could bring people together
by celebrating the most fundamental nature of our children; their innocence.

The idea for a clothing company came to me while on bed rest with my second son. I felt that although a clothing company
cannot hope to change the world, we could strive to create something that would support those who would celebrate these
same ideas by providing clothing that is created and designed with a sense of love for the children who will wear it.
My baby boy was a kicker and this kept me awake at night. In the middle of one sleepless night, I thought about how I
would one day look back at that trait of his and miss every second of it. I thought about how parenthood is made up of
these small moments of recognition and love and how important it was to enjoy the qualities that make up each of our
children. KicKee Pants became the nickname for my son, and in turn the name of the company we would launch in honor of
that reminder that he gave me to appreciate the small moments we would share together.
While our designs aim to be fashion forward and pleasing to parents, our customers are the babies and children who wear our
clothing and our dedication is to creating a line that appeals to their need to play and dream. We have an incredible
staff, supportive friends and fans, and children who regularly inspire our creations. This allows our passion to be reflected
in the brand and prompts us to always remember for whom the company was created. We feel fortunate to continue to pursue
this dream and find more ways that we can support the families that share our dedication to a celebration of innocence.
Aerin Nicole